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Our program is unique in many ways

Our director uses his 6 specialties to treat you for one mission - to make you lose weight


We have Ear, Nose, and Throat doctors on staff to help diagnose your sleep issues and overall health. Our specialists are highly trained, and look forward to closely working with you on your weight loss journey.


What goes in our bodies has a huge long term effect on our weight and overall appearance. Our skilled nutritionists will help develop a lifestyle plan designed specifically for you. We also review and replace medications.


Our lifestyles and mindset can definitely have a lasting impact on our health. Our trained psychologists can assess any habits, help you reach your goals, and even assist parents in creating a healthy lifestyle for their children.


Our highly qualified surgeons offer many short and long term solutions for weight loss. For long term weight loss, we offer Bariatric surgery. We closely follow up before and after surgery so you don't gain weight again.

Plastic/Cosmetic Surgeons

Need weight loss now? For short term weight loss solutions, our team of Plastic Surgeons can help you shed the weight in weeks. Our team will follow you closely to ensure you continue to lose weight even after surgery.

Enter your email, and we will contact you shortly to schedule your free consultation. You may also give us a call at our office any time to schedule an appointment.

Are you overweight?

Take our short quiz to assess your risk

Do you have type II diabetes, hypertension, or heart problems?
 Yes    No

Do you have sleep apnea?

Check all that apply:
 I snore.
 I feel tired during the daytime.
 Someone has observed my breathing stop during my sleep.
 I wake up more than once each night.
 I am 50 or older.
 I am overweight.
 I (or my partner) have experienced a form of sexual dysfunction.
 I fall asleep or doze off during activity, like watching TV or drinking.